Thursday 5 June 2008

SMSRelay Suite: Cross Platform Client

Just a couple of hours today to work on the ‘30 Day Challenge’ :-)

ArtenSMS is a cross platform SMS TXT client which works in conjunction with SMSRelay. The client creates an XML file containing the details of the SMS message and stores this on a shared directory. From here it is picked up and sent via SMSRelay.

The client is fairly basic at the moment, but is now fully functional. I have just added the ability to edit the users configuration data from within the interface rather than by hand editing the XML configuration file, not something you really want your users doing :-) When running on Mac OSX the ‘Edit Settings’ window (and also the About window) slide down from the top of the parent window. To achieve this I’ve used a form type called ‘Sheet Window’. When the application runs on Windows or Linux however this is replaced by a very basic window which doesn’t have quite the same effect ! I may have to check for OS platform before opening these forms and do something different if running on the non OSX platforms.

I have the code in place to allow online version checking / updating and it works cross platform which is great. I need to complete implementation and testing of this before moving on to the final program in the suite which will allow import of TXT/CSV files containing names and numbers and then provide bulk SMS sending abilities.

"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails." - Bertha Calloway

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