Tuesday, 8 April 2008

K2 Back Pack

While at the Hunters today waiting for the service to be finished on my car, I sat browsing through one of their magazines, in the ‘gear and accessories’ section I saw a Back Pack that seems to be exactly what I’ve been after for a while.

I sometimes carry my laptop with me on my motorcycle and have often thought that there must be a higher quality, stronger back pack available that will also function as a back protector in the event of an accident. In addition I would like a stronger, more secure rucksack for use when hiking and walking in the country.

The K2 from Land Rover seems to be just the ticket. Although the dealer did not have any in stock they are available online from here. I’ve dropped them an email to check stock levels and if in stock I hope to order one tomorrow - if I could get it for the weekend that would be great :-)

"We know what a person thinks not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions." - Issac Bashevis Singer

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